Tuesday 21 February 2012

Sect assassinates District head, Islamic cleric

Members of the Boko Haram sect were also reported to have assassinated the District Head of Geidam, in Yobe State, Mustapha Geidam as well as a 60 year-old Islamic cleric in Konduga, a town near Maiduguri. Sheik Saina Alhaji Ajiya. The killings occurred on Sunday night.
The district head, Mustapha Geidam, was a former protocol officer to Senator Bukar Ibrahim.
He was assassinated in front of his residence after the Maghreb prayers.
Confirming Mustapha’s assassination, Tanko Lawan, Yobe’s Police Commissioner, said the district head was relaxing in front of his residence when he was attacked and killed, adding that the Boko Haram had sent him a letter, alerting him that he had been marked for death and would be killed unless he relocated from his palace.
Also, confirming the killing of the Sheik Ajiya, Borno State Police Spokesman, Mr. Samuel Tizhe, said he was killed after Boko Haram hit men forcefully entered his residence and fired several fatal shots into his head and chest in front of his family. No arrests have been made following the assassinations.

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