Friday 15 November 2013

Enjoy grapefruits daily for better health!

Grapefruits are well-known for their high vitamin C content, but the fruit certainly has more to offer. In this report by Sade Oguntola, experts say that grapefruit not only tastes great, it lowers cholesterol, helps the skin, and more.
There is no doubt that fruits and vegetables provide numerous health benefits.
Grapefruit has been around for decades and are a fantastic fruit that supplies the body with plenty of essential nutrients including vitamin A, B1, B3, B5, B6 and C, biotin, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc bioflavonoids, and more.
Grapefruit is a delicious addition to any diet. Interestingly, the fact that it is filling and doesn’t contain a lot of sugar, yet is extremely satisfying, may be a key in understanding why grapefruit is such a highly regarded among weight watchers.

While grapefruits are normally in season almost all year round, individuals can experience its health benefits all year round. Here is what the fruit has to offer.
Boosts heart health
Grapefruit contains compounds responsible for boosting heart health and reducing heart disease risk. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry indicated that grapefruit were able to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol levels by 15.5 per cent and triglycerides by 27 per cent in a study that involved 57 patients who had had coronary bypass surgery.
Protects from cancer
Naringenin, a chemical substance concentrated in grapefruits, some research, published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry have said encourage the repair of prostate cancer cells.
Grapefruit juice has been shown to protect against colon cancer when consumed three times daily in a research finding presented at the 228th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.
It indicated that grapefruit, along with isolated compounds found in grapefruit (apigenin, hesperidin, limonin, naringin, naringenin, and nobiletin), ignites the death of cancer cells and even increases production of healthy colon cells.
Many studies have also shown that limonoids aid against cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, and stomach. The pulp of grapefruits contains glucarates, a type of phytochemical that has been shown effective against breast cancer.
Supports weight loss
Including grapefruit or grapefruit juice into daily diet can help to boost weight loss. According to a study involving 100 participants, individuals who ate half grapefruit with each meal lost 3.6 pounds on the average while those drinking grapefruit juice three times daily lost 3.3 pounds on the average. In many cases, more than 10 pounds was lost.
Treats gum disease
A study published in the British Dental Journal found that consuming two grapefruits each day for two weeks results in significantly less bleeding of the gums. Grapefruits were shown to drastically increase plasma vitamin C levels and help manage periodontal disease.
Supports good asthma control
Vitamin C has been shown in numerous studies to lessen respiratory issues and prevent asthma. One study published in the journal Thorax found that consuming vitamin C-rich fruit reduced wheezing symptoms in children while also aiding asthma, chronic cough, shortness of breath, and even runny nose.
Boosts immune system
Along with containing high amounts of vitamin A, potassium, folate, and thiamin, grapefruits contain one of the most well known vitamins for boosting immunity and lessening the duration of colds or sickness – vitamin C.
Prevents kidney stones
According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, women can reduce their risk of developing kidney stones by daily drinking a half a litre to a litre of grapefruit, apple, or orange juice. The juices work to increase urinary pH and hasten the rate at which citric acid is excreted, which reduces the risk of calcium oxalate stones forming.
Supports healthy pregnancy
Rich in folate and vitamin C, grapefruits can support a healthy pregnancy. Vitamin C works to promote proper bone growth, bone development tissue repair, and helps to maintain cell strength in the womb. Folate, an extremely important B vitamin for pregnant mothers, helps to prevent birth defects like spina bifida and ensure that the baby grows sufficiently well.
Cleanses cleans the liver
A healthy liver helps to digest food, absorb nutrients, and filter toxins from the body. By eating too many high-fat or high-sugar foods, the organ may have trouble. Grapefruit contains numerous liver cleasing substances. Among them are vitamin C, various antioxidants, and phytonutrients called limonoids that is excellent at ridding the liver of toxins and carcinogens, and its high concentration of vitamin C supports immune health. The fruit also contains a flavonoid compound known as naringenin, which causes the liver to burn fat rather than store it.
Preserving eye health
Red grapefruits have huge amounts of beta carotene that are necessary to keep the eyes healthy and improve the vision. Intake of just one grapefruit a day is enough to maintain the vision and fight the ravages of eye strain and ageing. Aside from being rich in Vitamin A that is essential for good vision, grapefruits also contains flavonoid antioxidants such as naringenin and naringin that are good for vision.
Lowers blood cholesterol
Millions of people suffer from cholesterol problems which can lead to dangerous consequences. Doctors always recommend dietary changes for people who want to reduce cholesterol. It is advisable to include grapefruit in your diet if you suffer from cholesterol problems. Eating grapefruits can decrease cholesterol level up to 15 per cent and can decrease triglyceride levels up to 17 per cent.
Supports good skin
Grapefruit contains high amount of Vitamin A and C, minerals and anti-oxidants that benefit the skin. The vitamin C and the antioxidant effects protect the skin from environmental hazards. It also stimulates the production of skin collagen that brings smoothness and elasticity to the skin. The retinol antioxidant gives your skin softness and, renews damaged skin and treats skin pigmentation.
The potassium present in the grapefruit helps to smooth wrinkles and age spots and provides a protective shield against UV rays. Also grapefruits refresh the skin and the amino acid present in it makes the skin more firm and soft.
There is, however, a word of caution. With all these health benefits of grapefruit, it increases the potency of certain prescribed medications, especially if it is consumed on a regular basis.


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