Comentators on the paper said: “Whereas Okonjo-Iweala has already attracted strong endorsements from publications at the cutting edge of global financial journalism like The Economist, and The Financial Times, this new endorsement enhances the profile of Okonjo Iweala.
Conventional qualities
The New York Times is unequivocal in its support saying as an “economist, diplomat and former World Bank managing director, she offers many conventional qualities of bank presidents” adding, “she breaks the mould as a woman from an African country where she fought to reduce the country’s debt, gain greater access to international credit markets and battle corruption.”
Advancing merit over politics, and given the current global economic and social challenges, Okonjo-Iweala, is the best fit for the presidency of the World Bank, the paper said, even as the influential newspaper praised Obama’s choice as an “inspired choice.”
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
The New York Times noted, however, that what the bank needed was “a president with experience beyond Washington’s narrow political and economic circles.” It posited that although “Dr. Kim has worked on development in the poorest countries, one major success: leading a World Health Organization initiative that provided access to H.I.V. treatment to millions of people, the new president must also tackle broader issues of economics and growth, and manage the prickly political leaders who are the bank’s overseers. That is why the bank board must take a serious look at Dr. Kim’s strongest challenger, Okonjo-Iweala, Nigeria’s finance minister.”
The paper argued that nevertheless, a merit-based consideration should not exclude qualified Americans, the paper said, but even as much, “neither should it guarantee them a job” in a world where emerging economies contribute a significant share to global growth, and are “rightly demanding a greater say in decision-making.”
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